Med-X-Press GmbH
Med-X-Press demonstrates responsible action in the interests of people and the environment

Corporate Social Responsibility

This is how we at Med-X-Press implement the goal of sustainable and responsible pharmaceutical logistics. 

For us, corporate social responsibility means acting responsibly in the interests of people and the environment.  

Our employees are our company's greatest resource. In addition to the binding criteria for internal cohesion, we do a lot to support and promote the well-being and health of our teams. Our physiotherapist contributes to this, as do our wide range of company and leisure activities. 

Regional networks

Regional networks are essential for our activities.  As a network partner of the Family and Business Competence Center, we focus on the compatibility of family and career. Together with other companies, we founded "Bassgeigenflöhe" in 2013, an inter-company daycare center with flexible childcare hours based on parents' working hours: a model project that has become a success.  

Through our cooperation with local economic bodies, we support location marketing, promote the attractiveness of the regional economy and the Harz region as a place to work and live.  


Med-X-Press is one of the founding members of Bassgeigenflöhe, an inter-company day care center for children that was established in 2013 by seven companies based in the Baßgeige industrial estate in Goslar. Karl-Heinz Dörhage was chairman of the association for five years and played a key role in shaping and driving the development of the facility. Started as a model project, the Bassgeigenflöhe is now a successful model with a large number of children. With this facility, we contribute to the balance between family and career and offer our employees a form of childcare with flexible opening hours. 


Med-X-Press actively supports Ein Harz GmbH. The initiative was founded in 2019 and aims to establish the Harz as a high-performance region across districts and states - a goal-oriented community for the interests of business, science and culture.  

pro Goslar e.V.

We are a supporting member of the pro Goslar e.V. association, which represents the interests of local companies. In a broad-based network, the association supports the promotion of the region and the improvement of economic conditions. 

Familie und Wirtschaft

We are a network partner of the Family and Economy Competence Center of the district of Goslar. 


We maintain a close and constructive cooperation with WiReGo, the economic development agency for the Goslar region, which advises companies, represents the interests of regional companies and with which we cooperate in various areas. 

Sustainable action has occupied and moved us for many years. 

The three pillars of ESG - environment, social and governance - form the basis for our business decisions. You can read about our measures and results in our sustainability reports. They provide an insight into our way of thinking and acting and provide information on specific projects.