Author: Natascha de Raad
And suddenly it's Christmas again ... As is so often the case, this year has flown by. And as always, I wonder what has happened in the last 12 months and how memories of some events are already fading. Time to look back and dare to look ahead, which doesn't seem as easy as it sounds despite all the uncertainties of the times.
The word of the year 2023
Crisis mode is the word of the year 2023, as announced last week by the German Language Society. A word that was already typical of the previous two years. One crisis is followed by the next and we are always in the mode of coping with everything. My favorite word would have been resilience, but it didn't even make it into the top ten. I associate resilience with something positive, it is an answer to the crisis mode, a recommendation for dealing with the constantly changing crisis-like challenges.
Positive experiences
There were quite a few of these last year, but I am also taking many positive experiences with me into the Christmas period and the new year. Last month, we had a great company party at Med-X-Press. It was an example of how a team works and how we get ahead when we work together well and with respect. As a company, we were not only present at many events in the region, but also actively supported and sponsored them. When I think of my many appointments, I can think of numerous good customer meetings, interesting trade fair visits and, of course, incidents that we had - and still have - to deal with.
Constant challenges
Corona and other colds are currently striking again and, in conjunction with the staff shortage, we are once again having to find ad hoc, viable solutions to keep operations running smoothly. The regulatory requirements have also increased rather than decreased and the bureaucracy monsters are still keeping us on our toes. Supply chains are still fragile and efforts to relocate the production of pharmaceuticals or active ingredients to Europe are showing the first tentative signs. The merger of the two pharmaceutical associations BAH and BPI has failed. I have already mentioned the much-discussed cannabis release several times: a never-ending story. And whether the planned laws will become the game changer in the healthcare system that we urgently need would be desirable, but I dare to doubt it.
A few days ago, I read a compilation of the Federal Ministry of Health's plans in the Ärzte Zeitung, including the respective degree of implementation. A very interesting list: According to it, of 39 initiatives announced by the Minister of Health, just seven have been completed, two are partially completed and two are also on target. 17 legislative projects are in progress and eleven projects are open. There is nothing to add to this. At least there was some good news to report last week: At a rapid pace, the Federal Joint Committee has once again allowed sick notes to be taken by telephone. That's possible!
Our blog
We have covered a whole range of current topics and hot topics in our blog this year: From ChatGPT to sustainability and from workplace health promotion to new recruiting tools. We received a lot of feedback from you and received a lot of encouragement when we pointed the finger in the wound or named weak points - including our own.
Some recent developments give me hope, at least for the new year. The pharmaceutical summit in the Chancellery, for example, has not yet produced any concrete results, but options are being explored and communication is still ongoing.
Med-X-Press 2024
We at Med-X-Press will continue to work the way our customers value us. Customer satisfaction is our maxim and we will continue to do everything we can to achieve our goals in the new year. We will expand our range of services and continue to optimize our processes. Mega-topics such as sustainability and digitalization will also be on our agenda in 2024. They are here to stay. Just like AI, which triggered unexpected hype with ChatGPT in 2023 and which not only offers unimagined opportunities, but also calls for regulation.
In conclusion
All in all, I draw a rather positive balance at the end of the year - despite the crisis mode. The 2024 Challenge is full of hope and just as many unknowns. I'm looking forward to Christmas, including some rest, and then getting back to full speed. I wish you a wonderful time, a more peaceful world and all the best for what lies ahead. Our blog would also like to take a break and is going on Christmas vacation. We will be back online on January 25th and will continue to call things as they are in the new year.
I would like to ask you: "What is your conclusion at the end of the year and what are your expectations for the new year?" Write to me